3 Best Weather Affiliate Programs in 2025

Check out our list of the 3 best Weather affiliate programs in 2025. Find commission rate and details on how to join and increase your affiliate revenue.

NameDescriptionCommission rateCookie durationAffiliate Link
Weatherstack is a service built and maintained by apilayer, the company behind some of the most popular developer tools, SaaS products and APIs currently on the market — including ipstack, eversign, invoicely and many more.25% Per SaleUnknownVisit
PredictWind is a unique weather forecasting product that bring the highest quality tools and forecasts to sailors all around the world. 25% Per SaleUnknownVisit
Wind & Weather is recognized as a world-trusted supplier of weather instruments. From wind gages to garden décor, Wind & Weather strives to make you At Home With Nature.5-10% Per Sale20 DaysVisit